Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Father's Day DIY

I had to show you this!!! It's NOT MY idea BUT, I  LOVE it because it's SOO creative and inexpensive! If you have 3 Dad's (Father, Father in-law & Husband) this is a winner!! I ran across this while searching for ideas. Father's Day is THIS SUNDAY June 19th!! I will post pictures of our box as soon as we complete it! I hope this inspires you to create your own meaningful gift!

It’s for a Hero Box, filled with all sorts of candies, snacks, etc. that are labeled with Hero labels. She gives you the templates to download and customize (all from Jordan of Oh Happy Day). It’s all in a wooden box (I’m thinking Michael’s or JoAnn probably has these). You could also add ‘Daddy Coupons’ such as ‘Redeem this coupon for one yard mowing’ to it for something a little more long term. Men LOVE to know they’re our kids’ heroes, so this is perfect!

* Wooden Photo Box (found at a craft store)
* Various Glassine and Cellophane Bags (found at a craft store)
* Your Super Heroes Favorite Treats -the labels (provided below) are pretty generic so you can rotate in his preferred flavor.
* Downloadable PDFs (provided below)
* Either Adhesive Paper OR Glue (we like Elmer’s Repositionable Mounting Spray)

I can't wait to give Sean his box This Sunday before church!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A few Pictures from Kenna's Birthday Party!!

Saturday May 14, 2011 
The Birthday Girl

She seriously GRABBED the cupcake out of my hand!!




Kenna cleaned up after the giant cupcake!!!
All Pictures were taken by Melisa Feliciano!! These were the "teasers" she sent me! She is super talented. Thank you Melisa. I must have you for all of the girls Birthdays! Can I book you every May & July until 2028??? You are not allowed to move!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Owls...Oh... THE Owls!

I decided to make Kenna's Party favors...WHY? Well, there isn't much to pick from in the way of favors for tiny babies! Most favors are chocking hazards. So I am making these little bean bag owls. I found directions online. The only thing I changed was that I fastened the eyes/buttons on with stitches rather than tacky glue. They look simple but like most things...looks are deceiving. I have logged several hours on these little things. HOWEVER, I love them! We call Kenna--"Kenna Bean" so how fitting is it to have bean bags as a parting gifts. I think VERY! Here is a sneak peak at the owls.

These were my first owls. The pink and aqua ones came out looking more like tiny hacky sacks.  I had to go back to the drawing board. The lime green one is the correct size.
Then I got creative and made wings!
 So, some have wings and some don't. I told Sean they are like snowflakes...not one is alike!
Hey, they are for kids...they won't care, right??

Happy 1st Birthday Kenna!!!!

Kenna, I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
You make us ALL smile everyday.
What a blessing you are in every way! 

My 'lil towel head!!

My TWO towel heads!!
Kenna loves Haley-Reese! I love watching their bond grow! I'm thankful for sweet moments like these!
Kenna I can't imagine our life without you.
My cup runneth over!

Happy 1st Birthday!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's almost MAY?

Once again time has flown by me...my last post was a month ago. I knew I was behind with the blog, when I started receiving emails to (re) join facebook. My friends kindly reminded me that this blog was their only way to stay connected with me.

So, let's see what's new in the Samuel house:
On April 1st, I got my haircut a little shorter (3 inches). Kenna got her ears pierced on April 3rd. She was a little trooper!! She cried for 1-2 min. and carried on about the rest of the day like nothing happened. So, far no infections and she hasn't messed with them at all. On April 6th, Kenna said "mama" clear as could be. I think there is nothing sweeter than hearing your child say "mama" for the first time. I thought on the second go around it might loose it's sweetness but, nope it still choked me up. April 7th, We made two pans of lasagna one for MacMacPaPa and Uncle Glenn (my maternal side) and a neighbor who's husband died unexpectedly. On April 9th, Sean received news that he had a small promotion to guide assistant. Basically they have him at the preview center to take tours during busy/peak times. So, he gets to be off the phones and be face to face with people!! We're excited because Sean gets to test drive the guide role before committing to it. Needless to say with Sean taking on an additional day of work, my work load has shifted. I feel like I'm on a seesaw that never stops. Don't you??
Well, my April did not end there. On April 14th, my MacMac had a shunt put into her brain to restore normal pressure and drain the extra fluid she had. A few months ago her doctors found a tumor on her brain called a meningioma. Meningiomas account for more than 25 percent of primary brain tumors. Meningiomas are usually slow-growing tumors that develop from the meninges, the protective linings of the brain and spinal cord. They may be found anywhere throughout the nervous system. Although almost always noncancerous (benign). She is doing great and will most like go back for her tumor removal in June. Ok, now just two days later my Aunt Shirley was admitted to the hospital for dehydration. She was released and did some better but, even now as I write this she is dealing with heath issues. Today she was released from yet another hospital. Please pray for her and her doctors.
I kid you not, we celebrated Easter for two weeks!! We had the mommy group party (April 15th) then we had our mops party (April 22nd). Haley-Reese has been eating two plastic (candy filled) eggs a day. Yes, I ration them out, I try to avoid the inevitable "major" sugar crash. It has somewhat worked!  This past Sunday was Easter and the girls looked precious!! Kenna wore Haley-Reese's first Easter dress and Haley-Reese wore a new beautiful rose covered dress.We went to the 8:00am service to avoid the creasters (Christmas & Easter people) then ate at ihop for breakfast. By the time we got home I just wanted to relax. So, without thinking I took the girls clothes off...yep no pictures! We will be reenacting Easter sometime this week just to take pictures! Zish...epic "mommy" fail!! Latter that afternoon we ate dinner with great friends and it was the perfect end to a wonderful day. I think it was our best Easter yet despite my missed photo op.

I think that covers April...(if your still reading this you must love me)...thank you!! I will try and do a better job at keeping up with my blog.

I've been planning Kenna's 1st Birthday, Haley-Reese's 3rd Birthday and Danielle's Bridal Shower (my sister) so most of my free time has gone into those parties. Here's Kenna's invite for those of you who live out of sate and didn't recieve one. Take care and have a wonderful May...I'm just joking!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Confessions of "Super Mom"

1. I  never have time to do my hair or wear makeup, yet, ironically, I organize my child's room.

2. I panic when I see vomit.

3. Most days my "workout" consists of doing sit ups on the floor while my girls play next to me.

4. I have a threshold for caffeine that defies scientific reasoning

5. More than once, I have found that part of my clothing was on inside out. On a good day, it's just my underwear.

6. When my daughter picks out a LONG book to read at bedtime. I make up my own story that follows the pictures. My husband just caught on last month.

7. I don't change my clothes no matter what substance is spilled on me (usually, not always, food). IF I'm staying in for the day...it's pointless...right?!

8. I have loaded the car...kids, stroller, bags and sometimes a to do list. Started driving and forgot where I was going...on more than one occasion.

9. In a pinch I have fed my child out of a can....soup and chef boyardee.

10. I have a laundry basket full of socks that don't match.

11. I find Murray the most annoying "NEW" Sesame Street character EVER!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All In A Day's Work...

Started the day off with Kenna trying orange slices...

They were a hit!!

The girls "played" kitchen for a couple HOURS

Yep, I'm serious...hours!!! I folded clothes and cleaned. Sweet Sisters!!

Haley-Reese and I cooked dinner, spaggitti with mushrooms. She had to wear her helper/chef attire.

Meanwhile, Kenna played with noodles for the first time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Growing Like a Weed-Kenna is 10 Months Old Today!

The three of us celebrated Kenna's milestone by sorting/purging their closets and Rubbermaid containers. ;)  Ya, when we celebrate we go crazy!!! Kenna is FINALLY growing out of her 6m clothes and Haley-Reese is moving into 3T's. I have been needing to do this CHORE for over 2 weeks. It's one of those dreaded, horrible, no good chores I HAVE to do but, put off until I can't take it anymore. (Why do we do that to ourselves?) Well, today the motivation struck and I moved. I got the label maker out and got busy. I had the bright idea to separate the sizes out all over my living room. I emptied EVERY Rubbermaid container newborn to 2T (sigh) now I was committed to this task. In the past I would grab a box, ransack Haley-Reese's room then stack it out on a shelf out in the garage. So, nothing had a "real" label unless labeling boxes "baby girl clothes" counts. If I didn't have Kenna needing those clothes this method would have been flawless. You see my delima. After, sorting ALL the clothes newborn, 0-3, 3, 3-6, 6, 6-9, 9, 6-12, 12, 18, 18-24, 24, and 2T.(Why do they have sooo many sizes-REALLY?)  PLUS, the blankets and shoes, it was 3:30pm.  I started at 8:30am. At last it was finished and then I remembered I hadn't dragged their "too small clothes" out of their rooms. AHHH...So, needless to say I only got Kenna's room done today. Nothing like having two little monsters running around while you have a major project to tackle.Working around meals and naps really slowed me down. Why do kids have to eat an sleep when you have a job to do?Zish! All the boxes have labels and are filled with their appropriate clothes now. Maybe I won't dread this chore as much next go around. By my estimate that will be in 2 months. How do mom's with 3+ kids do this? Do they consign everything and then re-buy? It got me thinking...will I keep this up with every kid? Will I continue to save every article? I don't know but, for now I have decided to keep my method. I've improved it so maybe it will be manageable??? I hope we have the garage/attic space for all these clothes. Side note: We have one whole tub of just 18m pj's...ya, I'm not sure why? In all we have 8 tubs. Please don't buy Kenna any clothes...I think we are good!!

It was a productive day...I should be doing our laundry now but I'm sick of looking at clothes. You all know how much I love laundry : ) Working on the blog seemed like a good out. I will force my self to do a load before bed...I guess.

The day is done...I had my 'lil bean 10 months ago...TEN!

She continues to grow like a weed an my heart continues to grow like Jack's beanstalk, straight to the heavens!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March--Bathing Beauties

Life doesn't slow down but, we can!

Wow, where did February go? This morning I sat down to write in Kenna's (scrapbook) calendar and I was two months behind. TWO!! How did I let two whole months slip by without writing down my baby's milestones/precious moments. I have been so wrapped up in EVERYTHING else, I'm forgetting to capture my 'lil bean's moments. I think I remembered most major milestones. However, I know I missed the small heart string moments. You know, the ones that you tell yourself...SELF, remember this, write it down and treasure it because you shall only pass this way once...sigh! Well, that was a wake up call, for me to s l o w  down. I'm evaluating my life and the unnecessary busyness I created. Key words are--"I created"! Just in cases you missed that part.

So, I got off facebook, we stoped one of our FOUR commitments at church and I'm learning to say "no" to things. I wouldn't say I have a problem saying "no" to people. I just have a problem saying "yes". Ok, ya...I have a problem.

Don't get me wrong, I miss facebook for several reasons and I miss my class at church but, something(s) had to give. My main job is to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Was I being that? Humm..no! I don't know that I will ever master all those thing listed in the chapter but, I better try (right). My ebay business will be back up and moving very soon. After all  "She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night" ; )

I want to challenge you to look at what you can cut out. What have you overcommitted yourself to? Start saying "no".

I will leave you with one of my favorite poems to ponder on because, after all is said and done I can't get the last two months back. Kenna will soon be 10 months old. I don't want to blink again and she is one year old.


I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather rambling about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculped like a rose before it melted
in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television, and more
while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick, instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment, realising that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love you's" and more "I'm sorry's"

. . . but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute . . .
look at it and really see it . . . and never give it back."
Erma Bombeck

Sunday, January 16, 2011

You are My Sunshine

I wanted to start a blog to keep a record for my girls of their amazing lives. To have a record of not just their growth but, of mine as their mom. They are my sunshine and I pray I let the Son shine in my life for them.
We are not promised a tomorrow. God has reminded me of that everyday since my mom's passing (Spring 2007). If heaven had a phone line I wouldn't be typing right now. I wouldn't feel such an urgency to jot down my soul. I want them to know me. The real me. The funny, quirky, artsy, frugal, fun, God fearing, travel seeking, cooking, decorating, diy...me! What better place than in a blog? I can share ideas with friends and archive my little world.
So...here goes nothing! I'm new to this be patient, hopefully I'll get better as time moves on. (side note) I'm feeling a little like Doogie Howser. Thanks, for stopping by. Until next time, Keep Smiling!