The three of us celebrated Kenna's milestone by sorting/purging their closets and Rubbermaid containers. ;) Ya, when we celebrate we go crazy!!! Kenna is FINALLY growing out of her 6m clothes and Haley-Reese is moving into 3T's. I have been needing to do this CHORE for over 2 weeks. It's one of those dreaded, horrible, no good chores I HAVE to do but, put off until I can't take it anymore. (Why do we do that to ourselves?) Well, today the motivation struck and I moved. I got the label maker out and got busy. I had the bright idea to separate the sizes out all over my living room. I emptied EVERY Rubbermaid container newborn to 2T (sigh) now I was committed to this task. In the past I would grab a box, ransack Haley-Reese's room then stack it out on a shelf out in the garage. So, nothing had a "real" label unless labeling boxes "baby girl clothes" counts. If I didn't have Kenna needing those clothes this method would have been flawless. You see my delima. After, sorting ALL the clothes newborn, 0-3, 3, 3-6, 6, 6-9, 9, 6-12, 12, 18, 18-24, 24, and 2T.(Why do they have sooo many sizes-REALLY?) PLUS, the blankets and shoes, it was 3:30pm. I started at 8:30am. At last it was finished and then I remembered I hadn't dragged their "too small clothes" out of their rooms. AHHH...So, needless to say I only got Kenna's room done today. Nothing like having two little monsters running around while you have a major project to tackle.Working around meals and naps really slowed me down. Why do kids have to eat an sleep when you have a job to do?Zish! All the boxes have labels and are filled with their appropriate clothes now. Maybe I won't dread this chore as much next go around. By my estimate that will be in 2 months. How do mom's with 3+ kids do this? Do they consign everything and then re-buy? It got me thinking...will I keep this up with every kid? Will I continue to save every article? I don't know but, for now I have decided to keep my method. I've improved it so maybe it will be manageable??? I hope we have the garage/attic space for all these clothes. Side note: We have one whole tub of just 18m pj's...ya, I'm not sure why? In all we have 8 tubs. Please don't buy Kenna any clothes...I think we are good!!
It was a productive day...I should be doing our laundry now but I'm sick of looking at clothes. You all know how much I love laundry : ) Working on the blog seemed like a good out. I will force my self to do a load before bed...I guess.
The day is done...I had my 'lil bean 10 months ago...TEN!
It was a productive day...I should be doing our laundry now but I'm sick of looking at clothes. You all know how much I love laundry : ) Working on the blog seemed like a good out. I will force my self to do a load before bed...I guess.
The day is done...I had my 'lil bean 10 months ago...TEN!
She continues to grow like a weed an my heart continues to grow like Jack's beanstalk, straight to the heavens!!!